News & Notes
Tribute to Bombay C Lalitha

We take some people around us to be eternal and when we learn that is not to be, it shatters our world. Such is our state of mind as we mourn the loss of our beloved guru Sangita Kalanidhi C Lalitha.
Over two decades back, we remember clearly, the day we went to her home for thefirst time and she graciously accepted to teach us both. We always sang together and who better than the best known duo to guide us in our journey, we were indeed blessed. Classes were intense, but never intimidating. Lalitha Mami was a very encouraging and patient teacher despite being a busy performer. She used to encourage us to perform at every small stage that would come our way. She taught us not just the songs but the subtle nuances of what makes the song perfect. How to conserve one's voice before a concert, concert planning, practice, even dressing up for the stage, all of these we could observe from close quarters and learn.
She had a dedicated room in her house for practice and classes were held here. The room was the most inspiring place in her house, adorned with innumerable awards.
Ever smiling, she had a great sense of humour. She taught us Mooladhaara moorti - the kriti in Hamsadhwani - and when we sang Pranava-kara ganapatiye she laughed and corrected us saying 'inippu ganapathy uppu ganapathy illai' Pranavakaara should not be split! Never once did she have anything negative to say about anyone.
We have had the good fortune of having spent time after classes with NR Chandran Mama. The phrase 'made for each other' would be absolutely befitting this wonder couple. Each one being the highest achievers in their chosen fields yet so loving, caring and supportive of each other.
Lalitha Mami was the perfect younger sister. Marriage, family responsibilities and living in different houses never brought any change in the way the legendary sisters met everyday to practise and to decide on their attire for concerts. Mami used to describe how they didn't want one voice to be more popular than the other and decided never to sing solo and how they turned down so many offers.
We owe every bit of our music to our beloved guru.
Jyothsna and Radhika