News & Notes

Vainika Mudhra Award for R.S. Jayalakshmi at Veenotsav 2017

Veenotsav 2017, organised from 27-31 August under the aegis of  Mudhra, was inaugurated by Dr. Pappu Venugopala Rao, Secretary, Music Academy on 27 August at the Infosys Hall, Bazulla Road, Chennai. Two concerts of 90 minutes duration were held each day at Mudhra's studio which was webcast worldwide  for rasikas. Such webcasts enable rasikas to listen to concerts on their PCs and mobile phones while sitting in their cosy living rooms or while on the move. 

During the inauguration, the Vainika Mudhra Award comprising a shawl, citation, medal and purse, was presented to vidushi R.S. Jayalakshmi—musician, teacher, and musicologist—by Dr. Pappu Venugopala Rao. The award is given out of the endowment created by Chitravina N. Narasimhan in the name of his father Gottuvadyam Narayana Iyengar and Bapu Rajalakshmi Sundaram. 
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