News & Notes

Mudhra celebrated the 15th anniversary of Samudhra magazine

Mudhra (Radha and Mudhra Bhaskar) celebrated the 15th anniversary of Samudhra magazine and 250 weeks of Paalam Free Webcast on 19 November 2017 at the Infosys Hall on Bazulla Road in Chennai. Sudharani Raghupathy, veteran Bharatanatyam dancer-guru inaugurated the function and Nalli Kuppuswami Chetti, presided over the proceedings. This was followed by conferring of the title of Gnana Samudhra on Rama Kausalya, for her outstanding contribution as a musician and musicologist, and presenting a Lifetime Achievement Award to ace photographer Yoga. The much sought after Music Planner cum Directory 2018 was also released on the occasion.
