Soorya Namaska : A Fusion Of Dance & Yoga

As a part of Parangathothsava-98, Dr. Vasundhara Doraswamy,
the noted Mysore-based Bharatanatyam dancer of the Pandanallur school and an
expert yoga practitioner who holds a doctoral degree in yoga, presented Soorya
Namaskar, an artistic fusion of yoga and dance, dedicated to Soorya, at
Jaganmohana Palace Auditorium, Mysore, in the last week of December 1998.
To the recitation of Pranava, the Omkara, Vasundhara entered
the dimly lit stage representing the pre-twilight period through the initial
asana-s of Soorya Namaskar, to the intonation of Soorya mantra in the sombre
raga Revati:
Om Bhaskaraaya vidmahey
Mahadyutikaraya dheemahi
Tanno Adityaha prachodayaat.
Raga Revati, a pentatonic scale, has its equivalent in raga
Bairaagi Bhairav of the Hindustani mode. The term Bairaagi is derived from
Viraagi, one who has renounced all raga-s, that is, all attachments and stands
all alone on the path of his spiritual quest. Many devotional poets, mystics
and yogis of our country have described this penultimate stage of
self-realisation as 'viyoga', that is, total loneliness. It is only when the
aspirant transcends this stage, he becomes a true yogi, who it is said,
acquires a 360-degree vision and becomes one with the Universal Consciousness.
The Bhairav suffix in the raga name is because the raga is classified under
Bhairav (Mayamalavagaula). According to the time theory of ragas, the time of
this raga is very early morning, roughly between 3.30 to 4.30, when the world
is asleep and only the sadhaka is awake.
The light progressively increased in intensity when the
first of the sloka-s, propitiating Bhaskara, was sung in raga Bauli. The
nearest equivalent of Bauli in Hindustani system is raga Bibhaas, derived from
the term Vibhavasu, another name for the sun. Srimad Bhagavatam (Canto VI,
chapter 6 stanza 16) narrates allegorically that Usha, the wife of Vibhavasu,
gave birth to three sons— Vyushta, Rochisha and Aatapa. From Aatapa (the sun's
rays), came Panchayama, the span of the day, who awakens all living entities to
activities (yena jagrati karmasu). The dancer, accordingly, started executing
jati patterns which indicated the shining one killing the two demons, namely,
Darkness and Inertia:
Hamsaya bhuvandhwaanta
Dhvamsaaya amita tejasey
Hamsavahana roopaya
Bhaskaraaya namo namaha.
The sun, having commenced his onward journey, is now in the
Arabhi mode. The second stanza rendered in raga Arabhi describes him as:
Vedaangaaya Patangaaya
Vihangaarudha gaaminey
Haridwarna turangaaya
Bhaskaraaya namo namaha.
He himself is visualised as a bird and as riding a bird. The
dancer had ample scope to demonstrate this aspect of the Sun. The movements to
the swara patterns and the subsequent bhramari-s were reminiscent of Odissi
The following suite bracketed in Amritavarshini refrains,
were sung in Hamsadhwani, Shanmukhapriya and Hamsanandi, where the poet sees
the variou s aspects of th e Vasundhara Doraswamy Supreme like Gayatri,
Savitri, Saraswati, Brahma, Rudra in the form of Nataraja and Vishnu:
Namastey Brahmaroopaaya
Namastey Vishnu roopiney
Namastey Rudra roopaaya
Bhaskaraaya namo namaha.
The Hamsadhwani
portion integrated into the recital the Brahma Sandhi Kavuthuvam, with its
typical mridanga bol-s in khanda nadai pattern. The eka-nada bhramari, which
the artist executed, brought to mind the movements of Manipuri drummers. The
Hamsanandi portion brought in the Natesa Kavuthuvam to portray Nataraja, where
the bol-s were like Kathak bol-s or the present-day Rap. The artist clarified
later that all the Odissi, Manipuri and Kathak movements seen here are very
much native to Bharatanatyam and though regional differences have come about,
the roots are the same.
When the sun reaches his full resplendence in the forenoon,
the poet visualises the eternal Supreme entity behind him and sings His glory
in Kalyani:
Adi madhyaanta soonyaya
Veda Vedanta vediney
Naada bindu swaroopaaya
Bhaskaraaya namo namaha.
The extensive swarajati-s gave scope for exuberant jati-s
aligned to the mood of the sun's march onward. The fifth stanza was a veritable
aggregation of the various names of Soorya, rendered in raga Mohanam:
Mitra Ravi Soorya
Khaga, Pooshan Hiranyagarbha
Mareechaaditya, Savitru,
Arka Bhaskarebhyo namo namaha.
It was quite a realisation to see how raga Mohanam is such a
spirited one. That is probably why the lakshana granthakara-s cateogrised this
raga under Veera rasa. The enthusiasm in the movements, especially the
utplavana-s were something to be witnessed.
The artist concluded her recital with obeisance to
Sooryanarayana Swami, flanked by his consorts
Chhaaya and Samjnaa: Chhaaya Samjnaa sameta
Sooryanarayana swaminey namaha.
This was in the auspicious raga Madhyamavati. In the
Hindustani system, this raga is known as Madhyamad Sarang. The various types of
Sarang are sung mostly at noon-times. It was thus very appropriate that the
artist concluded her recital indicating the Soorya blazing away in all his
glory at the zenith.
During the course of the recital, the dancer, known for her
enviably trim figure, depicted an array of asanas. The approach to the asana-s
from dance movements and transition from the asana positions to the
dancemovements again were so smooth, they could come about only through long
rigorous practice in both disciplines, yoga and dance. Many a time, combination
of asana-s in succession were like the anghara-s in dance. When the artist
executed the Ardha Matsyendrasana followed by Vaataayanasana, that is getting
up from a sitting position to depict Brahma, this writer had tears in his eyes
at the mind-boggling feat. At no time did the recital degenerate into a circus
or a yogasana demonstration or acrobatics or a contortionist's exhibition. It
was an integral whole. What it evoked in the audience was the adbhuta rasa.
Vasundhara, in her red colour dress, had only one prop on
the stage: a thermocole cut-out fixed on the rear screen representing the
forenoon sun. The music ensemble comprised of Varija Nalige, a senior disciple
of Vasundhara and an instructor of nattuvangam at the Academy; Guruprasad
(vocal); B. Ravishankar (mridanga); H.S. Thandava Murthy (violin) and Jairam
(flute). A pakhawaj or a mardala in addition to the mridanga would have
heightened the overall effect of the performance. In response to a query,
Vasundhara said it was only by continued practice of breath control, by means
of pranayama and yoga, she was able to hold the various positions. She wished
the government would pass a law making it mandatory to teach Soorya Namaskar to
children above the age of eight years, in all schools.