News & Notes
SNA awards

Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi
Academy of Music, Dance and Drama, New Delhi
of Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellowships (Akademi Ratna)
& Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards (Akademi Puraskar) for the Years 2019, 2020 and 2021
The General Council of Sangeet Natak Akademi, the National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama, New Delhi, at its meeting held from 6-8 November 2022 at The Ashok, New Delhi unanimously elected Ten (10) eminent personalities in the field of performing arts as Akademi Fellows. The Fellowship of the Akademi is a most prestigious and rare honour, which is restricted to 40 at any given time. With the election of ten (10) Fellows, there are presently (39) Fellows of Sangeet Natak Akademi.
The General Council also selected one hundred and twenty-eight (128) artists from the field of Music, Dance, Theatre, Traditional/Folk/Tribal Music/Dance/Theatre, Puppetry and Overall contribution/scholarship in the Performing Arts for the Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards (Akademi Puraskar) thus clearing the backlog for the years 2019, 2020 & 2021. These one hundred and twenty eight (128) artists include three joint awards. The name of the artists who have been selected for the Akademi Awards for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021.
The Fellows and Awardees so selected represent the nation as a whole, and belong to different States and Union Territories. Besides, these eminent artists cover the entire gamut of the performing arts such as vocal music, both Hindustani and Carnatic; instrumental music, both Hindustani and Carnatic including Flute, Sitar and Mridangam; Sugam Sangeet as well as
Harikatha; the major forms of Indian dance such as Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Kathakali, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Sattriya, Mohiniattam as well as Contemporary Dance; the different specializations of theatre such as playwriting, direction, acting, make-up, lighting, stage design; the other major traditions of theatre like Isai Natakam; the folk and tribal arts as well as the arts of puppetry and instrument making.
The North-eastern States of the country have also been adequately represented with 14 artists from the North-east selected for the Award from Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland.
The Akademi Awards have been conferred since 1952. These honours not only symbolize the highest standard of excellence and achievement, but also recognize sustained individual work and contribution. The honour of Akademi Fellow carries a purse money of Rs.3,00,000/- (Rupees three lakh) while the Akademi Award carries a purse money of Rs 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh), besides a Tamrapatra and Angavastram.
The Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards will be conferred by the Hon’ble President of India in a special investiture ceremony.
Natak Akademi, New Delhi
The following have been selected for the Sangeet Natak
Akademi Fellowship by the General Council of Sangeet Natak Akademi in its
meeting held on 8 November 2022 at The Ashok, New Delhi:
1. Saroja Vaidyanathan
2. Sadanam Krishnan Kutty
3. Darshana Jhaveri
4. Chhannu Lal Mishra
5. A K C Natarajan
6. Swapan Chaudhuri
7. Malini Rajurkar
8. T. V. Gopalakrishnan
9. Teejan Bai
10. Bharat Gupt
Natak Akademi, New Delhi
Natak Akademi Awards (Akademi Puraskar) for the Year 2019
of Activity:
- 11
Vinayak Torvi Hindustani Vocal
Prem Kumar Mallick Hindustani Vocal
Chetan Kumar Joshi Hindustani Instrumental - Flute
Manju Nandan Mehta Hindustani Instrumental – Sitar
Charumathi Ramachandran Carnatic Vocal
Pala C.K. Ramachandran Carnatic Vocal
Mala Chandrasekhar Carnatic Instrumental – Flute
Trivandrum V Surendran Carnatic Instrumental –
O. S. Arun Other Major Traditions of Music – Sugam Sangeet
Sharma Bandhu Other Major Traditions of Music - Sugam
(Gopal Sharma, Shukdev Sharma,
Kaushlendra Sharma and Reghvendra Sharma),
D. Uma Maheshwari Other Major Traditions of Music –
Of Activity: Dance -09
Vasundhara Doraswamy Bharatanatyam
Raghav Raj Bhatt & Mangla Bhatt Kathak
Kottakkal Nandakumaran Nair Kathakali
Manju Barggavee Kuchipudi
Sutapa Talukdar Odissi
Ranjumoni Saikia Sattriya
Nirmala Paniker Mohiniattam
Mamta Shankar Contemporary Dance/Overall
Brajendra Kumar Pattnaik Chhau
of Activity: Theatre - 09
Hrishikesh Sulabh Playwriting
Bharti Sharma Direction
Kumar Sohoni Direction
Abinash Sarma Direction
Alok Chatterjee Acting
Pranjal Saikia Acting
N.K. Ramakrishna Allied Theatre Arts - Make-up
Souti Chakraborty Allied Theatre Arts - Lighting
K.S. Krishanappa Other Major Traditions of Theatre -
Isai Natakam
of Activity - Traditional / Folk / Tribal Dance / Music / Theatre and Puppetry
- 10
Mamta Chandrakar Folk Music Chhattisgarh
Ram Lal Folk Music, Uttarakhand
Shankarbhai Hakabhai Dharjiya Folk Music & Dance,
Nathulal Solanki Folk Music, Rajasthan
Panduram Ghotkar Folk Music, Maharashtra
Peruvanam Kuttan Marar Thayambaka, Kerala
Urmila Pandey Folk Music, Madhya Pradesh
Sayed Mohmmed P.P. Folk Music & Dance, Lakshadweep
Majid Gulabsaheb Satarmaker Instrument Making,
Dulal Kanji Instrument Making, West Bengal
of Overall Contribution / Scholarship in Performing Arts- 02
Utpal K. Banerjee
Reetha Rajan
Natak Akademi, New Delhi
Natak Akademi Awards (Akademi Puraskar) for the Year 2020
Of Activity: Music - 11
Sumitra Guha Hindustani Vocal
Arati Ankalikar Tikekar Hindustani Vocal
Dal Chand Sharma Hindustani Instrumental - Pakhawaj
Kushal Das Hindustani Instrumental – Sitar
R.K. Padmanabha Carnatic Vocal
G. Balakrishna Prasad Carnatic Vocal
Patri Satish Kumar Carnatic Instumental –Mridangam
M.A. Sundaraswaram Carnatic Instrumental – Violin
Bickram Ghosh Contemporary Music
Anup Jalota Other Major Traditions of Music –Sugam
N. Irabot Singh Other Major Traditions of Music – Nata
Of Activity: Dance - 09
Meenakshi Chitharanjan Bharatanatyam
Kumkum Dhar Kathak
Sruti Bandopadhay Manipuri
Pasumarthy Vithal & Bharathi Vithal Kuchipudi
(Joint Award)
Rabindra Atibudhi Odissi
Trilochan Mohanta Chhau
Bhushan Lakhandri Contemporary Dance
Prema Ramamurthy Music for Dance
Arambam Tombinou Devi Music for Dance
of Activity: Theatre - 09
Lokendra Trivedi Direction
Mithilesh Rai Direction
Prashant Damle Acting
Bhupesh Joshi Acting
Amit Banerjee Acting
M. Purushottam Allied Theatre Arts –Costume Design
Raghav Prakash Allied Theatre Arts – Lighting
N. Jadumani Singh Allied Theatre Arts – Stage Design
P P Kandaswami (Therukoothu) Other Major Traditions of
Dance and Dance Theatre
of Activity - Traditional / Folk / Tribal Dance / Music / Theatre and Puppetry
- 10
Balkar Sidhu Folk Dance, Punjab
Nandlal Garg Folk Music, Himachal Pradesh
B. Lalthlengliana Folk Theatre, Mizoram
Ranjana Kumri Jha Folk Music, Bihar
S. G. Lakshmidevamma Folk Music, Karnataka
Tarubala Debbarma Folk Music and Dance, Tripura
Sang Jangmu, Folk Dance, Arunachal Pradesh
Gafoor Khan Manganiar Folk Music, Rajasthan
Zachunu Keyho Folk Music, Nagaland
Meena Nayak Puppetry, Maharashtra
of Overall Contribution / Scholarship in Performing Arts - 02
Mahesh Champaklal
Nandkishore Kapote
Natak Akademi, New Delhi
Natak Akademi Awards (Akademi Puraskar) for the Year 2021
Of Activity: Music - 11
Uday Bhawalkar Hindustani Vocal
Subhra Guha Hindustani Vocal
Sangeeta Shankar Hindustani Instrumental - Violin
Ravindra Yavagal Hindustani Instrumental - Tabla
Sudha Ragunathan Carnatic Vocal
Radha Namboodiri Carnatic Vocal
D. Balakrishnan Carnatic Instrumental - Veena
Thanjavur R. Govindarajan Carnatic instrumental - Thavil
Susmita Das Other Major Traditions of Music - Sugam
H. R. Leelavathi Other Major Traditions of Music -
Sugam Sangeet
Kumud Diwan Other Major Traditions of Music – Thumri
Of Activity: Dance - 09
Jayalakshmi Eshwar Bharata natyam
Shama Bhate Kathak
Inchakkattu Ramachandran Pillai Kathakali
Thokchom Ibemubi Devi Manipuri
N. Sailaja Kuchipudi
Neena Prasad Mohiniattam
Bhuvan Kumar Chhau
Kalamandalam Girija Other Major Traditions of Dance and
Dance Theatre-
Bijay Kumar Jena Music for Dance
of Activity: Theatre - 09
R. Venugopal Rao (Surabhi) Direction
Lalit Singh Pokharia Direction
Sudesh Sharma Direction
Ajay Malkani Di