The glory of Ganjam glitters on stage

Odissi dancers have revelled
in performing to the
poetic excellence and
music traditionally contributed by
litterateurs and art personalities
from the district of Ganjam in South
Odisha, but the adjectival reference
‘Ganjami’, in a mildly sarcastic tone,
carries with it connotations hinting at
a ‘dakhini’ (south Indian) influence.
Historically, Ganjam boasts of its
own rich cultural specificity, while
being very much a part of the larger
identity of the State. Though parts
of Ganjam were with the Madras
Presidency during British rule,
the region’s shared border with
south India, especially the Teluguspeaking region, influenced many
of its performing art traditions. This
whole area governed by the mighty,
seafaring, Eastern Ganga dynasty,
comprising great temple builders,
also had marital relations with the
Cholas. Veera Rajendra, the last of
the great Chola line, had his daughter
Rajasundari married to the Eastern
Ganga prince, and the son of that
union was Anantavarma Chodaganga.
He played a major role in the
establishment of the Lord Jagannatha
temple (the presiding deity of
Odisha even today) in the ancient
city of Puri.